Holistic Pregnancy
Prenatal care is the loving care that you give your body and your baby every day of your pregnancy. Our goal is to support you in that loving care…to maximize the joys of pregnancy and minimize the discomforts and complications.
Prenatal Appointments
Your appointments are conducted in the comfort of our Spokane office. These appointments follow the standard schedule of once a month until 28 weeks and then every other week until 36 weeks. A home visit is done at 36 weeks in preparation for your birth and then weekly prenatal appointments are conducted in the office until birth.
During prenatal appointments a routine physical exam is done which includes: baby/fetal heart tones, blood pressure, protein/glucose urine checks, fundal height, and abdominal palpation to determine the baby’s position. These things take about 10-15 minutes. Plenty of time is given after that to address your individual needs and concerns. This allows us to get to know one another and help prepare you emotionally/mentally for birth and baby.
Lab draws are performed during your regular prenatal appointments or referred to be done at your lab of choice. Ultrasounds and lab work are not a service covered in our fees but can be ordered as you desire or your condition requires.