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Terri Young, Midwife

Terri Young

Midwife - BS, CPM, LM (ID, WA)

In 2000 my son was born in a vacuum-assisted delivery. His birth caused me to feel disempowered, disrespected, and that my maternal instincts were ignored. Fortunately, the teacher of my hospital childbirth prep class was an AMAZING doula/nurse in Denver. SHE was empowering and first lit the spark that started my whole journey. Largely due to her influence, I started attending hospital births as a labor doula in 2001. In 2004, I trained to be a midwife’s assistant. I was bitten by the midwifery bug and have attended home births almost exclusively ever since. I worked as a birth assistant for various local midwives in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane from 2006-2010.


Student Midwife

Miri immigrated to America from the U.K 15 years ago. It was in England watching two of her siblings being born that she vowed to become a midwife “when she grew up”. After experiencing her own son’s birth she became a doula and started working closely with Moms in the hospital advocating for consent and respectful care.

Miri was overjoyed to be accepted into Mercy In Action College of Midwifery for the fall of 2021. She is currently working on her bachelor's degree in midwifery.

Miri, Student Midwife

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